
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween in singapore.

My little angel.
Even though we're half way around the world, there was no way we weren't going to celebrate Halloween with Linna this year! Where we live, there are people from all over the world, and some of them don't celebrate Halloween. However, many people do, so one of the moms in our condo put together a Trick-or-Treat event for all the kids. There was a huge turnout, and although they do things a little differently here, it was still so much fun!

Linna, Max and Lottie, with all the trick-or-treaters in the background.


Singapore angels.

All of the kids and parents dressed up and walked around to the Halloween decorated BBQ pits on our property to get their treats. Since Linna doesn't get candy or sweets on a regular basis, this was a big treat for her! My friend Steph picked up some little costumes for her kids (Max and Lottie), and got one for Linna two. Max (two years old) went as a little devil, and Lottie (10 months) and Linna went as little angels. They were so precious! We brought two costumes for Linna from home (a frog costume and a strawberry costume), but they were both way too hot for her to wear outside in the 90-degree heat. It's a little different than the chilly Halloweens we're used to in Minnesota!

She was in heaven!

You can tell she doesn't get to have sweets often.
Sugar coma!

Auntie Lisa came trick-or-treating with us!

Linna got to have some chocolate, sugar, and cookies tonight, and the best part was that her Auntie Lisa got to go trick-or-treating with her! I'd say this was a very special Halloween.

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