
Friday, November 9, 2012

Little green pouch.

UPDATE TO OUR UPDATE 12/5/12 (Response from Maggie at Little Green Pouch): "We found that with a small percentage of the orders that we were shipping customers were having the zippers fail (they are dishwasher safe, that is not the problem). We have new product that just arrived that remedies this problem." If you're having this issue with your pouches, please contact Maggie at Little Green Pouch ( Thanks for the prompt response Maggie!

UPDATE 12/5/12 (Potential Issue): Today when I was filling up one of my Little Green Pouches, I noticed the top seal is starting to peel off, making it impossible to "lock" the pouch. I have reached out to the company to find out if this issue is due to the heat of my dishwasher, or just a "faulty seal", and I will keep this blog posted with any updates! Just thought I'd pass this "issue" along.

ORIGINAL BLOG POST: A few weeks ago, I was sitting around with some of my "mom" friends talking about the disposable baby food squeeze-pouches we all buy at the store. As we were chatting, I thought about how smart it would be if someone came up with a REUSABLE baby food pouch that we could put our own homemade purees in. After a little research, I found out this idea is already on the market, and I of course placed an order.

The Little Green Pouch was created by a couple moms (Maggie and Melissa), who were sick of throwing away and spending money on the single-use food packs. I especially love this product because of the traveling we've been doing with our 15-month-old. When we travel, all the "healthy food rules" go out the window, and Linna basically gets to eat whatever makes her happy (nothing like a unhappy toddler on a 19-hour flight). No matter what kind of a mood Linna is in, she always wants a squeezy food-pack, so I can count on her getting her daily fruits and veggies in these little packs. While the disposable food packs cost a buck or two at home in Minnesota, they are around $4 to $5 in Singapore (crazy right?!)! Linna eats at least one pack a day, so we had my parents bring an entire suitcase of disposable food packs with them when they came to visit. However, we quickly ran out, and I wasn't about to spend $4-$5 per pack in Singapore.

I ordered a 4-pack of the Little Green Pouch for under $15. I'm able to make my own purees (packed with veggies), and Linna sucks them down like she would a disposable pack. I'm very excited to take these on our flight back home to Minnesota, so I know Linna is getting at least some fruits and veggies, along with the massive amounts of "crap food" she'll likely be eating on the plane! I'm happy I ordered these reusable food pouches when I did, because currently (as of the date this blog was posted) the Little Green Pouches are SOLD OUT! The company just launched on October 11th, and there's already a waiting list. If I were you, I would get on that list, simply because of all the money you'll end up saving by making your own purees. My 15-month-old couldn't tell the difference between the disposable pouches and the reusable, dishwasher-able, freezable Little Green Pouches. We are big fans of this product in the Saigh household!


  1. I have been saying that forever! Man, if I only had the motivation to do it! Well, I am glad someone did it. Getting on that list!

  2. I just got some of these for my 2 year old son (he has eating issues and the pouches are the only way to get nutrition in him somedays) and I love them!!

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