
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mommy's day out at estheva spa & raffles hotel.

Raffles Hotel in Singapore.

When we have family visiting us in Singapore who want to spend some quality time with Linna, I take that as a hint for me to get out of the house for a few hours... and boy oh boy do I take advantage of this rare and precious time. Last weekend, Linna's Auntie Lisa and Uncle John took Linna to the pool for a couple hours, so I could head over to Estheva Spa for a facial and check out the historic Raffles Hotel.

First of all, the Raffles Hotel is so gorgeous and there are so many cute boutiques, dining spots, and bakeries in the courtyard area. I could have spent hours there, especially without the baby. The building is white with dark wood, and when you're inside you feel like you've been transported to back to the late 1800's. The historical design concept of this hotel is what every little girl imagines their dream mansion to look like when they grow up (well it was my childhood fantasy anyway). Every area of this property is so grand, I only wish I had more time to spend exploring.

Estheva Spa at Raffles Hotel.

I made an appointment to have a facial at Estheva, which is located in the Raffles Hotel Arcade. I met with my aesthetician, and she recommended that I have the Vitamin C facial since I had been spending a lot of time in the Singapore sun. This facial lasted 90 minutes and was pure, baby-free bliss!

I had a facial while we were in Phuket in September, and while it was relaxing, I really needed someone to get in there and do some tough extractions. I have sunscreen on my face almost every day, so I can only imagine how clogged my pores have become. My aesthetician at Estheva used an extracting tool across my entire face, and felt like she cleaned out every one of my pores. It wasn't the most comfortable thing I've experienced, but the results were amazing! I actually had a nose without little black dots all over it. After the extractions, a detox mask was applied, which left my skin feeling rejuvenated and "minty". She also applied a C-Matrix Treatment, which is made from collagen in its purest form, and vitamin C to brighten and heal my sun-damaged skin. While I waited for the masks to do their magic, my aesthetician massaged my head, neck, shoulders and upper back. I really appreciated this experience because she didn't just focus on my face, but she also focused on my décolletage and upper back. It's just as important to take care of those areas, as it is your face.

Linna with her Auntie Lisa and Uncle John.

This was one of the most expensive facials I've ever had, so I expected amazing results. All of my expectations were met and exceeded. One thing I would have changed, however, was while one of my masks was "working its magic", my aesthetician left the room for 5-10 minutes. I wish she would have spent that time massaging my shoulders or feet or something. Other than that, my three baby-free hours at Raffles and Estheva Spa really left me feeling relaxed. It was like getting a few hours of much-needed rest without even going to sleep! Oh, and I ended my afternoon with a chocolate croissant... and I didn't have to share with with anyone:)

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