
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Singapore science centre.

After hearing many of our neighbors rave about it, we decided to check out the Singapore Science Centre a couple weeks ago with Linna. I wanted to see how the Singapore Science Centre measures up to the Science Museum of Minnesota. Overall, both are very similar when it comes to space, activities, and of course the Omnitheaters.

That's one big mouth.

Chicks hatching.

My favorite part of our day was sitting in the Omnitheater with AJ and Linna, watching To the Arctic (a documentary about polar bears surviving in the Arctic). You'd think a 14-month-old wouldn't be able to sit through something like this, but she was very interested. If you've ever been to an Omnitheater, you know that the film is played "IMAX style", so the action is happening all around you. The images this film crew captured are unbelievably beautiful. They documented the life of a mother polar bear, trying to protect her young cubs in the wild. The film is only about 40 minutes long, and it's definitely worth checking out... even if you have a wee one tagging along.

AJ loves gadgets and anything interactive with a "science" behind it. Needless to say, he is a big fan of the Singapore Science Centre! I think Linna was a little too young to understand and enjoy the exhibits and attractions, but she did enjoy taking in all the scenery. From the iSpace exhibit, to the Waterworks outdoor area for kids of all ages, I think Linna just enjoyed checking things out with her Papa, while Mama took photos.



AJ and I took turns (without Linna) going into a simulator that let us experience gale-force winds, and we found the Climate Change Exhibit to be pretty informative and hands-on. In another area, Linna got to watch baby chicks hatch from their eggs in an incubator, which actually reminded me of the Minnesota State Fair. They even have a Snow City at the Singapore Science Centre, which basically puts you in the heart of winter. It's hard to imagine snow and cold, when Singapore is constantly 85-degrees and sunny! We ran out of time so we didn't get to see Snow City for ourselves, but we're from Minnesota... 'nouf said:)

Touching a block of ice. What kind of parents would we be if we let her forget
what Minnesota is really like?!

In the Arctic with Linna.

If you're going to check out the Singapore Science Centre, I would advise you to take at LEAST half a day to explore. Make sure you bring a swimsuit for your little ones too, so they can take advantage of the outdoor Waterworks area!

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