
Sunday, November 4, 2012

"Skydiving" with my sister-in-law in singapore.

My sister-in-law Lisa and her husband John were visiting us this past week in Singapore, so I wanted to set up a couple exciting things for us to do while they're here. While AJ and John took Linna out for a morning on Sentosa with "the boys", Lisa and I decided to go "skydiving" at iFly Singapore!

Flight passes.

Lisa and I have never been skydiving, so we thought this indoor skydiving experience would be a good first step. The iFly Singapore is the world's first largest themed wind-tunnel for indoor skydiving, and I have wanted to try it since I saw people doing it when I first visited Sentosa.

The iFly Singapore building. The public is welcome to come inside to watch the flights.

The first thing they had us do was watch a video on the flight experience in the "plane's hangar" (the entire experience is meant to make you feel like you're on an actual plane). We then met our flight instructor Joshua (he can do some pretty amazing tricks in the wind-tunnel), and went over some hand signals, and practiced flying positions. The entire training takes about a half-hour, and what we thought was going to be a boring lesson, actually turned out to be a lot of fun because of our entertaining flight instructor!

The hangar.
We were then brought upstairs to the wind-tunnel area, and go suited up for our flights. We were set up with these really cool flight suits, goggles, ear plugs and a helmet. We looked pretty professional;)

Our group then got to go into the wind-tunnel chamber to take flight! I was so excited and nervous for the experience, but knowing that this simulated experience was "safer" than actual skydiving, put my mind at ease. Each person gets two "flights", which last just under two minutes. AJ, John, and Linna came to watch us, as  Lisa and I took flight. Linna just starred at all the people flying up and down in the wind-tunnel.

Lisa practicing the flying position with our instructor Joshua.

The experience in the five-storey wind-tunnel was unlike anything I have ever done before. They say that it's meant to feel like you're falling from 12,000 to 3,000 feet in the sky, and they aren't kidding! During my first flight, I was kind of disoriented and was focused on keeping my correct flying position. The wind in my face was incredible, and my instructor put me at ease by giving me hand signals to correct my positions and help keep me steady. The wind literally takes control and soars you through the air. It's unreal and so much fun!

(This is video of our flight instructor Joshua in the wind-tunnel. Pretty talented, huh?!)

(This is video of the 8-year-old boy in our group inside the wind tunnel, then me,
 and finally Lisa. The young boy needed NO assistance, but Lisa and I were a different story.)

Both Lisa and I agreed that we were much more comfortable during our second flight. We both wanted to go higher in the tunnel, and learn how to do flips:) For safety reasons, the instructors don't let you do anything "crazy" your first time, but you can learn to do more and more tricks with the more training you have. There was an eight-year-old boy in our group that was so advanced! He had flown numerous time before, so he was able to turn his body with no assistance, fly high inside the tunnel, etc., and he looked so calm doing it. You have to be at least seven years old to fly, and our instructor told us that they have kids that age flying all the time! Maybe one day Linna will want to fly with her mama:)

Lisa and I with Linna after our flights. Linna wanted nothing to do with us
when we had our goggles and helmets on.

I would definitely recommend this experience to anyone, especially if you're not sure you're ready to do an actual skydive. One piece of advice I'd give, is to tie your hair back inside your helmet. I wore my hair down and it was in knots at the end of our flight. I'm still not sure I could ever jump out of an actual plane, but I sure am happy I got to experience iFly Singapore with my sister-in-law! It was incredible!

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