
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Linna meets santa.

For the second year in a row, we took Linna to meet Santa at the Hopkins Fire Department's Holiday Party (my dad is the fire chief). Last year was a much more pleasant experience. This year did NOT go over as well...

I have never seen our little Linna so frightened to see anyone in her life. She CLUNG to my shirt and only wanted to see Santa from afar.

But Santa had a present for her. It was Elmo and Cookie Monster (her favs), so she relaxed for maybe 30 seconds. The second she realized whose lap she was sitting on, it was all over.

Thank you Hopkins Fire Department for another great holiday party! It's so fun to watch the little kid's faces every year, as they sit on Santa's lap. Maybe next year, Linna will actually enjoy Santa's presence:)

Linna Jane Saigh: December 20th, 2012

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