
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sesame street live.

It's amazing what you'll get excited about when you're a mom. All month long, I have been anxiously awaiting for the day I get to take our 17-month-old to Sesame Street Live at the Target Center... and today was that day!


Linna is completely obsessed with Elmo and Sesame Street. It's one of two shows she will watch on television (Barney is the other - I prefer Sesame Street). She sleeps with a stuffed Elmo in her crib, can spot an Elmo photo from a mile away, and it's a word/name she says constantly. Needless to say, she was very excited to see Sesame Street Live.

Elmo's #1 fan.
My sister Paige is home from college, so she came along as well. We showed up an hour before the show to check out the Play Zone. There was live musical acts where the kids could see the characters up close and personal, interactive character "cut-outs", places to take photos, etc. Linna stuck pretty close by our sides when the big Sesame Street characters came out to do a little performance, but she was completely glued to what they were doing on the stage. She danced to the music, and pointed at the characters from a far, but I have to admit that the big, colorful, furry costumes are a bit intimidating for the little ones.

Mama Saigh, Linna, and Elmo.

Oscar, Linna, and Auntie Paige.

Coloring in the Play Zone.
It was so cute seeing little kids dressed up in their favorite character's costumes. Linna followed around a kid who was wearing an Elmo tee-shirt like a little magnet. Another kid literally wore a full Elmo costume. His mom bought it for him on Amazon (that's right, I asked her). The show itself was very well done. It was interactive, and full of music, bright lights, singing and dancing. The show is about an hour-and-a-half long, and for as little as $10 a ticket, this show packs so much bang for your buck. Listening to all the kids in the audience having so much fun during the show, makes it clear that Sesame Street is very popular in the Twin Cities. We'll be back next year!

Watching the show.

So many Elmo heads.
DECEMBER GIVEAWAY WINNER: Congratulations to Ana Biesterfeld!!! You're the winner of a family 4-pack of tickets to Sesame Street Live in January at the Target Center. Please email me with your address ( so we can send you the tickets. Stay tuned for another giveaway everyone!!!

"Hmmmm, I wonder how I could convince this girl to give me her shirt." - Linna
Linna and Auntie Paige in the audience.


  1. My son loves elmo too! He has had 2 elmo birthday party themes!!

  2. Both of my girls have gone through Elmo love affairs!!! My youngest used to call him momo...My entire family still refers to Elmo as momo!!! :)

  3. Henry loves Elmo and Cookie Monster. He walks around dancing and singing the Elmo's World Song!!!

  4. My 2.5 year old son would flip his lid over seeing a giant Elmo. He loves to play with my original "tickle me elmo" from back in the 90's.

  5. My Daughter Loves ELmo! Got her lots of Elmo things for Christmas:) Would love to take her to Seseme Street!

  6. My daughter loves Grover and my son loves Big Bird!

  7. My daughter loves Elmo, Abby, and Ernie.

  8. All of them are well loved in my house!

  9. Bellina's new favorite is Zoey cause she got a hat for Christmas! I think she would have a blast seeing them all!

  10. Charlie loves Elmo, but he also loves Bert and Ernie. He got all the characters for Christmas! We would LOVE to be able to take him to Sesame Street Live.

  11. My son loves Elmo. We read a story once where Elmo was talking about his apartment and there is an apartment building we drive past frequently.. he now thinks Elmo lives there. As we were driving the other day he said, "Merry Christmas Elmo! Be careful riding on your bike in the snow!" :)

  12. My daughter loves Zoey and her cousin loves Elmo. If I won the tickets we would need to bring Elsie!

  13. Maddie really loves Elmo. When he comes on, she does a little dance in front of the TV! Sesame is the only TV show she watches so it's always a treat, and Elmo is apparently the most exciting for her :)

  14. It's a tie between Elmo and Abby Cadabby (and all the all the other characters coming in a close 2nd) Our daughter goes crazy for those two and would love to see them live (and I secretly would, too) :)

  15. My 21 month old nephew absolutely LOVES ELMO he calls him "memo"! He would LOVE to see "MEMO" in person!!!

  16. Elmo all the way, although Ernie is becoming a fast favorite!


  17. Elmo for sure.. she really loves when Elmo and Abby are both together!!

  18. Cookie Monster. It was the first toy my husband and I bought for her well before she was born.

  19. Elmo! Got the jammies, got the socks, got the stuffed animal - now just need the tickets!! :0)

  20. C is for Cookie! My son absolutely adores Cookie Monster. At 2, he's even able to impersonate Cookie Monster pretty well. We would LOVE to win a chance to see him!

  21. My boys love Elmo and I love Ernie!

  22. Juddson loves both Big Bird and Elmo. He enjoys watching the DVD, "Follow that Bird", which is old school as I used to watch that one too!

  23. Our family love Abby Cadabby!!!

  24. Elmo and Abby are a couple of faves in our house!!!

  25. Congratulations to Ana Biesterfeld!!! You're the winner of a family 4-pack of tickets to Sesame Street Live in January at the Target Center. Please email me with your address ( so we can send you the tickets. Stay tuned for another giveaway everyone!!!

  26. Your daughter is very sweet; I wonder how much she would love Sesame Street. Well my 3 years son never miss this show and keeps on collecting sesame street characters and pictures in his scrap book.
    sesame street characters pictures
