
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pocket your dollars book giveaway.

CONGRATULATIONS to Katie Grunloh! You have won a copy of Carrie Rocha's new book! Please email me with your address and phone number so we can verify and ship. Thanks for participating everyone, and stay tuned for another giveaway soon!

You may know the name Carrie Rocha, because you follow her amazing money-saving blog Pocket Your Dollars. She and her husband paid down $60,000 in debt over two-and-a-half years. After getting out of debt, she and her husband figured out how they had gotten into debt in the first place, and why they didn't change their path sooner. Carrie is a friend of mine from my days at Twin Cities Live, and I am so excited to tell you all that we're giving away a copy of her first book:

Pocket Your Dollars: 5 Attitude Changes That Will Help You Pay Down Debt, Avoid Financial Stress, & Keep More of What You Make

I used to produce Carrie's segments on Twin Cities Live, and I can tell you first-hand that she has "simple" achievable ways that YOU can save money. In her book, Carrie teaches you to make the same attitude adjustments that transformed her family’s financial situation.

On Friday, January 4th, we'll be giving away a copy of Carrie's new book to one of YOU! For your chance to win, leave a comment on this blog post telling me one of your resolutions or goals for 2013. One person will be randomly selected to win a copy of Carrie's book at 8 p.m. on Friday, January 4th. Good luck!

What is one of your resolutions or goals for 2013???


  1. To take the stairs at work instead of the elevator.

  2. Goal: Stress less by planning and letting go of things I cannot control!

  3. Writing down three things a day I am thankful for.

  4. Getting up just 10 minutes earlier every day so that I am not always rushing out the door.

  5. clean more often even though I hate doing so.

  6. Save money. So far I am not off to a great start:(

  7. Slow down and enjoy the moment. Started this the end of November and have been so happy so far!

  8. Attempting to be more organized :)

  9. Being more positive about my own self-image :) I KNOW I can do it!!

  10. One of my resolutions for this year is to pay down my credit card debt. I have already laid out my yearly budget in order to do this...Yippee!

  11. Pay down and eventually eliminate our debt!

  12. One goal I have is have an emergency fund. Need to find a way to add money each month.

  13. Slim down our debt and start our family.

  14. To get out of debt!

  15. To improve our healthy choices as a family.

  16. Spend less, save more! (Debt is not an issue for me, but I'd like to keep more of my money!

  17. To spend more quality time with my family. Meaning phone in a different room away from the distractions!

  18. To make more time for family and friends and to take better care of myself.

  19. Make a budget and stick to it!

  20. To spend more time with family and worry less :)

  21. Enjoy every second of my 1 year olds life!
