
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Linna's first newspaper cover.

Linna, me, and my mom are in Worthington, MN this weekend visiting family (my mom's side of the family is from Worthington), and we stopped by St. Mary's Catholic School to meet some very special first graders on Friday. While our little family of three was in Singapore last year (August - November 2012), we kept in touch with Mrs. Johnson's (my aunt) first grade class over Skype, and a special connection with a stuffed frog named Singapore Sam. It was so much fun seeing all of the little first graders in person, and they even greeted us with handmade photos, letters, and gifts. They were thrilled to meet Linna, and Linna had fun hanging out in the first grade classroom for an hour! A reporter and photographer from the Worthington Daily Globe were in the classroom as well, and wrote a very nice piece on our connection with Mrs. Johnson's first graders. We woke up this morning in Worthington, to my Uncle Joel showing us that our story had made the front page of the newspaper. Linna is having a lot of "firsts" this weekend in Worthington: first high school basketball game, first McDonald's (not too thrilled with that one), first high school musical (Hairspray), and her first newspaper cover. I guess she now knows what it's like to be a little "celebrity" in rural Minnesota:) Here's a link to the full Singapore Sam Returns Home story from the Worthington Daily Globe.

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