
Friday, March 22, 2013

Singapore fire station visit.

Linna on a fire truck in Singapore with Papa.
Every Saturday from 9-11 a.m., most of the fire stations in Singapore have a FREE open house for the general public. So this morning, we went with the Legg family to check out the Central Fire Station near Clarke Quay. My dad is the fire chief back home in Hopkins, Minnesota, so going to explore the fire stations here in Singapore has been high on our list of things to do.

Just chatting it up with two Singaporean
fire fighters.
I thought this event was going to be really busy, but I would say there was only about 50 people there. So, all the kids got a lot of "hands on" experience. Just like the Hopkins Fire Department does for their yearly open house, the Central Fire Station in Singapore brought our their fire tucks, showed kids all the fire gear, and even let the kids help spray water out of the big fire hose. Kids could climb up into the fire trucks for photos, and they even passed out little plastic fire hats. We didn't get any for Max, Linna, or Lottie, because the fire station only had like 20 hats to pass out, and we didn't get to them fast enough. Major bummer!

It was crazy to see the fire fighters put on all their fire gear, as it's like 95-degrees outside currently, and they put on just as much gear as the fire fighters do in Minnesota. I get hot every day in Singapore when I'm wearing shorts and a tank top! The ambulance vehicles are also kept at the fire station, and we got to see one go on an actual call, as well as a fire truck responding to a call.

Since it was seriously like a hundred degrees outside, we all decided to go look at the old fire trucks and gear in the Heritage Gallery, where it's air conditioned. Inside the Heritage Gallery, they have all sorts of equipment from the late 1800s, to today's modern equipment. I so wish I would have taken my mom and dad to this place, because my dad would have been in his personal heaven! There is so much of Singapore's history in this gallery. It's definitely worth checking out.

Cool truck! Like how they don't have doors?!

My dad said he is going to send the Central Fire Station some Hopkins Fire Department shirts, so we got him a shirt and badge while we were in the gallery. Minus the heat and humidity, we all had fun checking this spot out in Singapore, and agree that it is the perfect Saturday morning activity for the whole family!

Hard to see, but that's a fire fighter going down the fire pole.

Can you imagine how hot this guy must be?!

Snackin' in a fire truck.

Max up on a fire truck.

I wonder if it's even possible to get all three of these kids in a photo,
where they are all happy and looking at the camera!

Fire fighters going on an actual call.

Linna, Max, and Lottie in front of Central Fire Station in Singapore.

Not sure what this is, but it's old and inside the Heritage Galley.

Playing with the fire trucks AJ got them.


  1. The Fire Truck without Doors, they call them the Red Rhinos as well, Meant to handle situation where a Pumper(Fire Engine) May not be able to reach due to it's size!!! Haha, Glad to know you guys are having fun!!! I spent 2 years of my life serving Singapore in SCDF!!!

  2. Just caught up with all your posts since you moved! Wow...I think it is such an amazing thing what you are doing! What an experience for Linna too. Glad you found a great place to stay, sold your house and are settling in well!

  3. Looks like the same time with mine visited the fire house lol~
