
Monday, April 8, 2013

Breakfast with sesame street.

Oscar, Linna and Mama. Look at Linna's face!
This past Saturday, AJ and I made all of Linna's dreams come true, by taking her to have Breakfast with Sesame Street characters at Universal Studios in Singapore. If you know us, we're at every Sesame Street event we can find (our first being Sesame Street Live), as our one-year-old is obsessed. I have never seen Linna's eyes so big, and her excitement level was through the roof!

Since the breakfast was at 9 a.m., and Universal Studios doesn't open until 10 a.m., we were some of the only people in the park that morning, as we walked to our breakfast spot. We felt so "VIP"! We were greeted at the door by some friendly ladies dressed in Sesame Street attire, and they gave each of us a gift bag with an Elmo plate inside. Linna loved it! As we walked into the doorway, Linna got her first glimpse of Cookie Monster. From a distance, she was very excited as she waved and said "hi" over and over again. However, the closer we got to the "larger-than-life" Cookie Monster, the closer Linna clung to me. Instead of pushing her to meet all the characters right away, we decided to sit down to have breakfast. This way, Linna could observe and decide how close she wanted to get to her favorite Sesame Street friends.

Breakfast greeters.

Tons of food.

Linna's dream birthday cake.

There was so much to choose from at the breakfast, and much of the food was made specially for the kids. There was pancakes with Elmo's face on them, cupcakes with the characters faces as the frosting, PB&J sandwich bar, fruit, etc., and of course food for the adults. They even had a vegetable curry, so Mama Saigh was very pleased (I'm totally on a curry kick)! Linna sat and ate her breakfast, while waving at the characters from a distance. Elmo, Cookie Monster, Oscar, and Abby Cadabby did a really nice job of respecting Linna's comfort level too. They would act so silly when Linna would cling to Mama and Papa. Eventually, Linna got comfortable enough to give her Sesame Street friends a high-five, but that's about as close as she would get. The characters were so great about giving all the children one-on-one time, taking photos and goofing around, and I think Linna liked simply observing that.

Watching the Sesame Street characters sing and dance from Papa's shoulders.

Tried to have Elmo sneak up behind Linna for a photo,
but she saw him. Haha! I love Elmo's expression.

Our little Cookie Monster (or should I say Cupcake Monster?!).

Best photo we could get with Cookie Monster. She did give him a high-five though!

After breakfast, we went to the Sesame Street store next door and got Linna an Elmo shirt. It was really hot outside, so we actually took Linna's romper off and let her run around in the t-shirt and her diaper. We walked down the street to find all the Sesame Street characters dancing to music, which Linna of course loved. AJ put Linna on his shoulders so she could watch. We also tried to go on the Sesame Street Spaghetti Space Chase ride (which is actually the first of its kind in the world), but Linna was too little to ride it. Although we were a little bummed, Linna had no idea what was going on and she was happy just seeing all the Sesame Street characters in the streets of Universal Studios!

As we got closer to the afternoon (Linna's nap time), AJ and I decided to take turns going on a couple rides! It can't be ALL about the kid, right?! We each went on the Battlestar Galactica ride (I went on the blue ride, and AJ went on the red ride). OMG, this was such a fast and thrilling ride! AJ said it wasn't bad, but I think it is the "scariest" ride I have ever been on. Don't get me wrong, we both had a blast, but talk about twists, drops, and turns! It was incredible. AJ then went on the blue ride that I went on, and I went on the Revenge of the Mummy ride. The Battlestar Galactica was much faster, but the Revenge of the Mummy ride was a roller coaster ride in COMPLETE darkness! Holy scary.

Meeting some ladies in the Sci-Fi area of Universal Studios.

Keeping her friends at a distance.

Toward the end of our day, when it started to rain.

Linna was the only person in the street while it rained, and lots of people were taking photos of her.

We wish we could have stayed all day, but it started raining, and we decided to get Linna home for a nap. I would love to go back for an "adult night", and have Linna with us during the day. Time to find a babysitter in Singapore!

Silly girl.

So random, but isn't this the cutest set of twins you have ever seen? We
saw them as we were leaving Universal, so I asked the mom if I could take a photo.
I know, I'm super creepy;) But honestly.