
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mommy and me brunch.

Last Sunday, while AJ stayed home because he wasn't feeling well, Linna and I decided to get out of the apartment and headed to brunch on Sentosa. We had made a reservation for the three of us to enjoy the Sunday Champagne Brunch (I'm a sucker for Sunday brunches in Singapore) at The Terrace restaurant at The Sentosa Hotel. I heard from a friend about the peacocks that wander around the grounds, and I knew our little one would enjoy that. This brunch is served from 12 - 3 p.m., so it's more like a lunch... a very BIG lunch. The timing made things easy on me since this is right around Linna's nap time, and she sleeps very well in her stroller:)

Linna's nap time = Mama Saigh's champagne time!

Delicious seafood.

This is just one of the food spreads.

Linna checking out the peacocks at The Sentosa.

Before Linna decided to take a little snooze in her stroller, she dined on a variety of fresh fruit, some cheese and crackers, and she even tried some of the Indian food. Oh yeah, she had a good amount of chocolate from the chocolate fountain too. She couldn't get enough! And then she found the desert room. It was like taking a glimpse into her personal heaven. She sat so nicely in her highchair while I went to get her food from the variety of tables they had set up in and outside the restaurant. About a half hour into our brunch, Linna decided to take a 1.5-hour nap in her stroller. Yes! Time for Mama Saigh to "enjoy" her champagne brunch.

Now THIS is how to enjoy a champagne
brunch on a Sunday in Singapore!

It was difficult deciding where to start on my food journey, as there were so many options. There was all kinds of seafood, sushi, an outdoor barbecue station, a cheese and charcuterie room, meats, Indian food, fresh fruits, and desserts (which happen to be in a separate room). A desert room is pretty much a dream for anyone with a sweet tooth! They have a build-your-own cesar salad bar, which was pretty cool because you get to mix your salad toppings in a big chilled bowl, and then pour the salad onto your plate. Your salad will be just the way you like it. I also tried some oysters, roasted duck, and of course the Indian food outside. They had so many delicious curries, it was hard to pick which one to try first. And of course, I had a little Sunday fun of my own, while enjoying a few glasses of champagne. The servers never left my glass empty, which was very much appreciated. Taking taxis everywhere in Singapore does have its advantages:)

There were many families enjoying brunch with children of all ages. The Sentosa Hotel brunch has a special kids’ buffet, as well as an activity room equipped with Wii games, pizza making, and other games. I didn't take advantage of this because Linna slept so peacefully in her stroller, but for any parent with a busy child, this children's room would come in handy. There is plenty of space in the restaurant for the little ones to walk around, in case they get bored at the table with the adults. Although there were a few couples enjoying brunch without kids, there were plenty of families with little ones and older children there as well. This is a very family-friendly brunch spot.

After I stuffed myself with delicious, fresh food (and champagne), I walked with my sleeping tot in the
Delicious breads and cheeses.
stroller, to the yard where peacocks were wondering about freely. One of the peacocks had his gorgeous feathers all sprawled out, which I later found out is part of the peacocks' mating ritual. Linna woke up just in time to catch a good viewing of the beautiful peacocks, which were only about three feet away from us. They were so close, we could have touched them! Linna loved watching the peacocks from a distance, but when I tried to put her on the wall to take a photo, she wasn't too pleased with me. I did catch a good photo of the back of her head, as she watched the peacocks. The hotel grounds were beautiful, and I was so jealous of all the guests using the gorgeous pool. This must be a fabulous hotel for those visiting Sentosa. Maybe we'll look into staying there when we have family visiting us.

This was such a relaxing afternoon with my favorite little lady, and although we would have loved to have had AJ along with us, Linna and I enjoyed spending some quality time together:)

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