
Monday, May 6, 2013

Playing with elephants.

Linna and a few other children, dancing to music with the elephants. So cool!
This past weekend, AJ, Linna and I spent the weekend at Nirwana Resort Hotel on Bintan Island in Indonesia. We are still in awe of the things we got to see and do. We felt like we were in another world. Singapore is lovely, and we are so lucky to be here, but Bintan Island has some gorgeous beaches, wild monkeys, and Linna's favorite... ELEPHANTS! And while it's just an hour ferry ride from Singapore, Bintan is the perfect spot for a weekend get-away.

We checked out the Elephant Show on the Nirwana Resort grounds, it was was like something out of the movies. We were sitting on a tropical island, while a half-dozen huge elephants danced, did some pretty cool tricks, and even took visitors on rides. AJ and Linna got pretty close and personal with these giant beasts, while Mama Saigh stayed back and took some videos and photos. We were SO close to actually getting on an elephant for a ride, but the second we asked Linna if she wanted to sit on the elephant, she was very adamant about saying "NO". Elephants are currently one of her favorite animals, but she simply wanted to watch them... not sit on one.  Even though we skipped the elephant ride (thanks Linna - kidding), this is definitely an experience we will all remember for the rest of our lives. Check out this video of an elephant putting a ring around AJ's neck...

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