
Sunday, June 23, 2013

First trip to the singapore zoo.

AJ and I took Linna and "the girls" to the Singapore Zoo today. It was the first time for everyone, and I have to say that this is the coolest zoo I have ever been too. It's an actual rainforest zoo! I bought an annual pass so I can take Linna back during the week (pays for itself in about three visits), and kids under three are FREE! This is the kind of place you can visit multiple times and not get bored. They have a great water park, so many exotic animals that you can see up close (REALLY close), and it's about a $15 cab ride from our apartment. We still have to check out the Night Safari, and the River Safari at the zoo, as we've heard only great things about both experiences. Can't wait to go back!

Croc. Right below us. Scared out of my mind to hold Linna near this edge to see it.
NO safety nets, no glass... notta! Just us and the animals. Cool, but freaky!

More crocs in the water.

White Tigers.

Checking out fish with Papa and Py.

Hippos swimming. Very cool.

Zookeeper and tortoises. 

Linna in the outback with kangaroos.

There was nothing except bushes standing between
us and the bouncing kangaroos!

An animal is escaping. Rarrrrr!

Monkeys everywhere!

Hey hey we're the monkeys!

Mad case of hemorrhoids.

Reminds me of our cabin on the lake in MN... except with wild animals in the water
that we probably don't want to swim with.

Cooling off. It was SO hot!

Chimp and seal show.

Lots of wild animals all around us.

"Inuka" - The first polar bear born in the tropics.

Jungle all around us. So pretty!

Rhino booty.

One of my favorite parts of the entire zoo - The zebras.

Feeding giraffes. Linna was sleeping, so we'll have to feed the giraffes next time.

Another favorite - The giraffes. Gorgeous!

We walked up to hear these lions roaring!

These two lions (both boys) just got done doing the "dirty".

Sleeping leopards.

Bug did a little shopping!

Walking to the water park with her girl Py:)

After just a half-hour nap in the stroller, plus the heat, and the loud kids... the water park
was a bit much for Linna.
Me, my amazing zits, and one of the Ducks of Sandy Hook Elementary and the Singapore Zoo!

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