
Thursday, June 13, 2013

My birthday cupcakes.

I've had a few questions from people about who my birthday cupcakes were made by, so here you go!

My husband's co-worker Dolly's sister (how's that for a chain reference) made them for me. We threw a 40+ person BBQ at our house in Singapore this month, and I told Papa Saigh that all he had to worry about was the birthday "cake". Well, AJ surprised me with these cupcakes at my 31st birthday party, and I was shocked. A couple weeks prior to my birthday party, he asked me what I would want my birthday "cake" to look like, and I said, "animal print and chocolate." I was being serious (I know, I'm like a teenager), not thinking he'd remember, but he totally did! Dolly's sister Debbie created cupcakes that I was SO happy with... and so were our guests. Thanks Debbie for making these delicious birthday cupcakes for the 40+ guests at my 31st birthday party! Oh, and well done Papa Saigh.

Debbie makes cupcakes to order!
Here's a link to Debbie's Blog, or contact her by phone. 
Phone:  +65 9747 2629

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