
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Stuck in the house... all day.

Because of forest fires in Indonesia, the air in Singapore has been considered "hazardous" for a couple days now. People (especially children) are advised to stay indoors, as Singapore's PSI (Pollution Standard Index) rose to a record-breaking 371 today. Here's the PSI Chart...

AJ sent me this picture he took from his office window today. He can normally see the ships all the way out at sea...

People outdoors are wearing face masks, because the air is like breathing in smoke from a Minnesota bonfire. The Singapore Saighs are officially face-mask wearing locals...

We have some friends who fled Singapore today to fly to their home countries a few days earlier than planned (lots of June/July "vacations" here), and others just jumped on a plane for a weekend getaway to a neighboring "non-hazardous" air-filled country. I checked on how much it would cost for Linna and I to change our flight, and come back to Minnesota early. It was a mere $4,000. Needless to say, we're staying until Tuesday. This is how we feel about that...

So today, Linna and I were stuck indoors... ALL DAY... which is very rare in our Singapore lives. By noon, I was ready to pull my hair out. Linna was like a caged animal...

We did a little arts and craft project, putting alphabet letters on her closet. She loved that...

This was my "Mom of the Year" moment of the day... Until I had to go let a delivery guy in the house, and Linna decided to take that time to paint her room...

At least it wasn't on the walls. So, around 1 p.m. when Linna finally went down for a nap, I was ready for a glass of wine (I swear I don't do this every day). Booooo... no wine in the house! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!

I spent Linna's entire nap continuously checking the PSI number to see if it dropped so we could go outside. Nope. There's so many other things I could have been doing with Linna's nap time. Like drinking wine. But NO!

Then I decided to win "Wife of the Year", and cook an Eggplant Parmesan for dinner. I wanted to make this recipe all week, but was too lazy. The ingredients were in the fridge, pretty close to rotting, and it's not like I had anything better to do, right?! Linna did THIS for about a half hour while I cooked...

Thank God she's cute.

I've never been so excited to have Papa Saigh walk in the door to the "Father of the Year" award...

And he brought home THIS for Mama Saigh... winning him "Husband of the Year"...

Wine. YES! AJ also gave my Eggplant Parmesan a 7 out of 10. Eh. Better than I expected, and I'm totally not offended, because now I'm doing THIS...

FYI, I'm definitely sans makeup and a bra, so I took about a dozen "practice selfies" to take one photo where I don't have a double chin and look like a complete troll.

I have one kid. I don't know HOW moms do it with multiple children. ESPECIALLY moms in Minnesota, who are stuck indoors for five months out of the year. Major props to you ladies. Seriously.

Tomorrow is always another day.

Now... to enjoy my Fat Bird:)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a rough day, but glad you finally got your wine!!
