
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Leaving minnesota very thankful.

With MeMaw and PeePaw at the park.
After spending two months in Minnesota, it's time to say good-bye and head back to Singapore. Part of me is so sad to leave, but Linna and I are very excited to get back to Papa Saigh. We are scheduled to arrive in Singapore on Wednesday, which will be more than a month since we've seen AJ (besides Skype). Needless to say, he is more than ready to have his girls back in Singapore.

I am leaving Minnesota feeling incredibly lucky and thankful. Linna and I are so lucky to be able to share our time between Minnesota and Singapore, and I am beyond thankful to have two wonderful families that take care of us when we're in the states. Both my parents and AJ's parents open their homes to Linna and I, let us use their cars, make us home-cooked meals, and watch Linna for me so I can have some "me" time. I'm pretty sure both sets of grandparents would be more than thrilled to have us living with them "full-time". They take days, and sometimes WEEKS off from work to spend time with their favorite grandchild (she's the ONLY grandchild), and they literally put their lives on hold so they can be with us (well, mostly Linna) as much as possible. I really feel like the luckiest mom on earth to have this kind of support.

I am also incredibly thankful for my husband. Because of him, Linna and I are able to spend every day together, travel the world, and share our time between our loved ones in both the US and Singapore. AJ sacrificed a month away from his girls (including Linna's 2nd birthday), so Linna and I could spend time with family in Minnesota. He really is the best dad and husband, and I'm not sure what I did to deserve to have this incredible man as my other half. I couldn't ask for anything more. Our expat lifestyle isn't for everyone, and many people don't understand how a father can be away from his child for this amount of time. But AJ does it for us. Everything he does is for the benefit of his family. His little girl is his entire world, and I can only imagine how much he misses her when we're 10,000+ miles away. Giving his girls the opportunity to explore the world, and letting us spend time with family back home in Minnesota, shows just how selfless AJ is.

How did we get so lucky?!

Over the last two months, we've had family and friends drive hours from Iowa, fly in from New York, and aunts and uncles take time out of their own lives... just to spend time with US! Linna has been spoiled beyond belief with both presents and love from family and friends. I know she's too little to realize it right now, but I hope that she'll one day be able to look back at photos from our many travels, and realize how many people from ALL over the world, love her so much! It truly takes a village to raise a child, and I am leaving my village SO incredibly thankful to have each and every one of these people in our lives.

We love you Minnesota. See you in November!

("Sharing" ice cream with Bompa.)
With Uncle Scotty at the cabin.
This big hug took two years to happen, but by the way Linna
acted around Auntie Holly tonight, you'd think they were besties!
Looks like one little girl really wants to be a flower girl in
someone's upcoming wedding;) Way to play the game Linna.
Great Grandpa and Grandma Pollard visiting from Marshalltown, IA.

Auntie Lisa visiting from NY.

Auntie Paige home from college in Winona, MN.

At Nana's office getting some work done.

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