
Friday, November 15, 2013

Tiny dancer.

She's not even 2 1/2 yet, but Linna took her first tap and ballet class this week. If you know me at all, you know I have been waiting for this moment since the day we found out I was having a baby girl:) I was a little worried that Linna wouldn't be into it as much as Mama Saigh is into the idea of having a tiny dancer, but Linna LOVED it!

Her class is on Thursday mornings at The DanceXchange in Edina, MN, and there are four other little girls in her class. Linna is the tiniest one, and it's so cute to watch. The class is very affordable (about $12/class), since she's only taking classes while we're home in Minnesota, and each 45-minute class is a ballet/tap combo. It would obviously be more expensive if we signed her up for the year, and had to pay for costumes, recital, etc. But this short-term dance class experience is a perfect introduction for us! I didn't want to invest a ton of money on dance shoes, clothes, etc., in case Linna didn't like dance class, so I bought her dance shoes second-hand ($6 tap shoes from Once Upon a Child, and $1 ballet shoes from a mom in Singapore). Let's be honest, she's going to grow out of them in a month anyway. We spent about $25 on a leotard, tights, and legwarmers for Linna at Target too. Auntie Lisa and Uncle John got Linna a backpack that she uses as her dance bag:)

(She might march to the beat of her own drum, but she marches!)

Stretch and warm-up.

Parents aren't allowed to be inside the dance studio during class, so I watched from a one-way window. I totally thought Linna would be looking for me, in tears, and wanting to bail on her class, but it was completely the opposite. She LOVES her teacher Kyle, and followed along the entire time. I was in "dance mom heaven" watching my little bug tap and run around! I only wish Papa Saigh would have been able to see it. I'm sure he'll get his chance very soon, because I'm sensing YEARS of frilly costumes, dance recitals, and dance classes in our future.

Could. Not. Be. More. Excited.

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