
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Chinese new year party at school.

Tomorrow marks the Chinese New Year holiday... the year of the horse. This is a HUGE celebration in Singapore! People are off from work, there's parades, festivals, and parties all over the island, and of course lots of eating. Today, Linna's school celebrated the Chinese New Year with a little party of their own this morning. The kids dressed in red and orange, sang songs, ate snacks and sweets... kicking off a five-day weekend!

Linna and her teacher Kuan Laoshi.

Linna in her Chinese New Year dress from Elly in Singapore.

Linna and her school principal, Mrs. Loy.

Do you know tough it is to get four kids to look at the camera at the same time?!
Linna with her three other classmates: Alissalah, Emilia, and Avik.

Papa Saigh dropped her off at school today, but Mama Saigh picked
her up! We love our little bug.
The school children dancing and singing at assembly this morning. Can you spot Linna?

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