
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Minnesota snow-day indoor activities for kids.

School is canceled. It's too cold to go outside. And the kids are home (yikes!). Here's a list of 10 things to do with the kids indoors on a snow day...

1. Skype with relatives who live far away.

2. Get a head-start on Valentine's Day. Have the kids make Valentines to send to grandparents, teachers, aunts, uncles, and cousins, and pop them in the mail when it's finally warm enough to go outside. Pinterest-search for items you have in your house (Example search: Valentine's Day Craft Toilet Paper Roll), and craft ideas that you never thought of will pop up!

3. Have the kids help organize their room and play room. Go through the closet, donate what doesn't fit, and find toys they don't play with anymore, so they can do a toy "swap" with friends.

4. Have the kids plan dinner. Let the kids look through the refrigerator and cupboards, and have them make a dinner menu, and help serve the meal. You'll get some "free"/quiet time while they write out and design their own menus.

5. Make silly videos. Ask the kids to put on costumes, make up a story to act out, then set up the camera or your phone and let them shine! These video will be fun for the whole family to watch together.

6. Have a tea party. Let the kids help make tea sandwiches (PB&J is always a winner) using cookie cutters, and have them serve their stuffed animal friends.

7. Act out a storybook. A parent or caregiver reads the book out loud, while the kids act out the story. Have the camera rolling on your little actors and actresses, so they can watch their performance afterwards.

8. Paint the windows. Let kids use washable finger-paints to make art. Have a washrag and/or a full bathtub waiting for the mess!

9. For Toddlers: Use egg cartons to sort and count small, colorful objects.

Idea and photo courtesy of What Do We Do All Day blog.
 10. Indoor Science Fun: The Kitchen Pantry Scientist shared some fun and easy ideas with Chris and Elizabeth on Twin Cities Live. Click on the photo below to see the video of all the ideas.

What are other ideas that YOU have for a snow day with kids?!

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