
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Singapore zoo with her memaw and peepaw.

We took Linna's MeMaw and PeePaw to the Singapore Zoo this week while they were visiting us from Minnesota. It's one of those places you "have to" experience if you're ever in Singapore. Linna and I have been to the Singapore Zoo numerous times, as we have an annual pass, but on this visit we experienced a lot of "firsts". Like this protective baboon...

A bunch of baboons.

He sure liked Linna, and it was almost like he was trying to protect her from Papa Saigh. Watch him jump at Papa Saigh when he gets too close! I wish I would have captured her saying this on video, but when the baboons swatted at Papa Saigh, Linna would tell them, "We don't hit, we hug!". Such a good girl! And although we have seen the giraffes at the zoo a number of times, we've never actually gotten to feed them. So Linna, MeMaw, and PeePaw got to experience their first giraffe feeding together...

Linna with her MeMaw and PeePaw (Papa Saigh's parents from Mankato, MN) at the Singapore Zoo.

And I don't know how we ever missed this before now...

It's a big school of fish and turtles that almost leap/swim onto land. So cool! We also got to get right up close with some orangutans during feeding time at the zoo. I didn't even know this was an option. The best part is that it doesn't cost any extra money!

The orangutans were sitting right over our shoulders, with no glass
or anything in between us. So cool!
And we can't forget the polar bear feeding time. I've seen polar bears at the zoo in Minnesota, but it was so neat seeing one during feeding time. Linna LOVED this one...

We each produced our fair share of sweat during this visit, but it was worth it. The only thing we missed this time around was the elephant rides. There's always next time!

The Saighs at the Singapore Zoo.
When did she get so big?!

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