
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Week in review.

This week has been a "rough" one in the Saigh household, as both Linna came down with a really nasty cold, and then passed it onto Mama Saigh. Papa Saigh slept in the guest bedroom all week so he could be well-rested for work, while Mama Saigh and Linna tried to contain their germs to one room in the house. Trying to keep a sick, coughing, runny-nosed, congested, and achy 2.5-year-old busy and happy all day long for a week straight (she's on school holiday this month), while I'm coming down with whatever she has as well, sure isn't easy... especially when I don't have her school "break" in my day to do the cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, etc. Papa Saigh had to work a few longer days at work this week, which was an extra bit of a challenge for me, but it was nothing a bottle of Fat Bird couldn't fix;) Here's a few highlights from our week in the "germ pit"...

Lovely green snot.

But no amount of green snot can keep this 2.5-year-old from
singing her favorite songs from her favorite shows!
"Friends help each other, yes they do, it's true!" - Daniel Tiger

We got our first delivery from iHerb this week (life changing), and with some paint,
scissoring, and a little creativity, we turned our iHerb shipment box into a homemade airplane.
Don't you just love the sickness in our voices?!

Linna started writing her name... kind of. The photo on the left is
how Linna wrote her name, as I showed her how to do it letter by letter.
The photo on the right is how Linna wrote her name all by herself.

Both Linna and I are on the mend (I hope), so here's to a healthy week ahead!

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