
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Update on linna's "wonk eye".

Linna's "wonk eye".
Happy to report that Linna will not need to have eye surgery, wear a patch, or wear glasses (kind of bummed about that one, because kids in glasses are SO cute). I took Linna to the Singapore National Eye Centre to see Dr. Sonal Farzavandi, after we noticed that Linna's right eye starts to drift when she's tired. We call this her "wonk eye". Linna's pediatrician in Minnesota said she wasn't too concerned about Linna's eye at her two-year check-up, but since the "wonk eye" makes an appearance every day, she said we should probably have it looked at by an ophthalmologist while we're in Singapore.

Although it was VERY difficult to navigate our way around the SNEC, the doctors, nurses, and staff were so incredibly helpful and friendly. They are excellent with little ones! Dr. Sonal evaluated Linna, and then we did about 2-3 hours of testing. They had Linna look at objects both close up and far away, tested different corrective lenses on her, and evaluated the inside of her eye for damage. During the testing, we found out that Linna can't see small, simple, objects at a far distance. That part of the testing was shocking for me, but Dr. Sonal said she isn't concerned, because Linna could have just been bored, or possibly confused as to what the objects were.

They gave Linna two sets of Cycloplegic Refraction eye drops, which temporarily impair the eye muscles and dilate the pupil, so the doctor can have a better look, and do a more thorough examination. Linna was such a trooper getting her eye drops, and only whined once (thank goodness for her "wa" and "snuggles")! I'm sure the stickers after each drop helped too:)

Dr. Sonal's diagnosis for Linna is Intermittent Exotropia (AKA a Divergent Squint of misaligned eyes). I will still refer to it as her "wonk eye":) The diagnosis sounds serious right?! Of course I "Googled" the diagnosis when we got home, and totally wish I wouldn't have. The images of children with severe Intermittent Exotropia are disturbing. Linna has what Dr. Sonal calls "good control" over her "wonk eye", so she thinks it is something Linna will outgrow. We will go back to the SNEC at the end of October for some follow-up testing, just to make sure it's not getting worse. If it is getting worse, Linna will most likely wear a patch over her "good" eye.

We're very happy to have a diagnosis, and some peace of mind knowing that there is nothing seriously wrong with Linna's vision. The only downside to all of this is that Linna can't swim for THREE days after receiving the eye drops. Saturday morning can't come soon enough!


  1. Please stop calling it a wonk eye. Not a very sensitive word, comes off as offensive.

  2. I'm sorry if I have offended you with my use of the term "wonk eye". This is what we call our daughter's eye situation, in hopes of it being a "funny/silly" thing when she gets older and starts to notice it. We don't ever want it to become a "condition" to her, or something that makes her "different" in a "bad" way, so we use the term "wonk eye" to make light of it. In no way is it used to offend, or make fun of anyone with a similar eye issue. If Linna ever has an issue with the term, we would of course use a term that she is comfortable with. But until then, it's a term for her personal situation that we are comfortable using:) Thank you though for reading our blog post! Have a wonderful weekend! - Melissa Saigh

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