Saturday, November 14, 2015

Baby saigh #2 pregnancy: Water broke at 7:40 a.m. on saturday morning.

It's time! I just got to the hospital after my water broke this morning at 7:40. Papa Saigh and I were laying in bed, contemplating whether or not we should have his parents drive up from Mankato because I was having some contractions and back pain. Ten minutes later, my water broke. Going into labor the second time around is MUCH different, as we have a 4-year-old to consider. Linna decided to have a melt-down this morning, so instead of tending to me, Papa Saigh got to deal with the kiddo. Anyway, I'm bleeding a little bit with my water leakage, so we decided to head to the hospital with Linna and have my in-laws meet us there. Papa Saigh is currently in the waiting room with Linna and we are just waiting for his parents to get here. I'm all hooked up to monitors, listening to the baby's heartbeat, and waiting for an IV to get some drugs for my back-pain and contractions. I'm a wimp when it comes to pain, so the epidural guy is standing by too. Can believe we'll be meeting our newest baby today (hopefully)!

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