Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Baby saigh #2 pregnancy: Weeks 14 & 15

14 Weeks Pregnant

Linna, "The Bump", and Mama Saigh (14 weeks pregnant) at
Radisson Blu in Phuket (Thailand).

I'm officially into my second trimester! You guessed it... my boobs are STILL swollen and sore. On a positive note, my nausea has virtually vanished. Hooray! I totally "feel" pregnant this week. Although I can't feel the baby kick quite yet, I can feel him/her swimming around in my belly... especially if I'm on my side, or have a coffee or soda on an empty stomach. We went to Phuket this week for a 4-day family vacation, which was very relaxing. I had two pregnancy massages, ate, and relaxed the entire weekend (the hotel in Phuket had a kid's club for the 3.5-year-old). I couldn't eat enough of the fresh, sweet pineapple they had at our hotel. It was also very HOT in Phuket, and when we did a lot of walking, my belly would get hard and stick out really far. At times, I swore I felt a foot or an elbow poking into my sides, but I know it's too early for that. The plane ride home was super uncomfortable, and I could barely stay seated during the short 1.5-hour flight. My ankles became pretty swollen on the plane, my back hurt, and I felt like I had restless-leg syndrome. It was a late flight too, so I was exhausted. This week, people are actually starting to ask how far along I am. Thank goodness I'm pregnant, because people sure do have "balls"! I'm still super hungry throughout the day, but I'm trying to keep my indulgences at bay (our trip to Phuket did NOT help my weight-gain situation). I have a doctor's appointment on June 4th, so I'm anxious to see how much weight I've gained. The baby is already the size of a lemon, weighing 1.5 ounces! We may be able to find out whether Baby Saigh #2 is a boy or a girl at our 15-week doctor's appointment. Being the patient people we are, we have decided to find out the baby's gender before the actual birth.

My sexy Dr. Scholl's compression socks to help reduce ankle
swelling during airline travel.

15 Weeks Pregnant

Mama Saigh (15 weeks pregnant) and 3.5-year-old
Linna at Raffles Hotel in Singapore. Photo by Kylie
Petts of WonderLight Photography. She took this on
a whim at our friend's baby tea!
Every inch of me is growing, and there's no sign of stopping. I think all my bacon, bagels and cream cheese, and donut consumption has finally caught up with me... Yikes! While my "naughty" food cravings have slowed a bit, I can't seem to eat enough fruit these days. Whether it's blueberries, strawberries, grapes, apples, pineapple, or mango, I could eat bowls of fruit, multiple times a day. Looking back on my pregnancy with our now 3-year-old, I remember that I craved tropical canned-fruit. The further along I get into this pregnancy, the more similarities I'm seeing to my pregnancy with Linna. I have pregnancy acne with this baby, and I recently came down with a cold, or something that is making me all stuffed up. I dealt with both of these issues (acne and a pregnancy cold) around this time when I was pregnant with Linna. I am also feeling Baby Saigh #2 move around both on the inside AND the outside of my belly! While the outside movements aren't kicks or punches yet, I can feel him/her rolling around from the outside of my belly. The feelings are so incredible, and it makes me realize how long it's been since I've felt these amazing movements (I haven't been pregnant in almost 4 years)! Linna loves talking to her brother or sister through my belly, and is enjoying all of the "big sister" attention she's getting from people. She also likes telling me where the baby is located at in my belly ("The baby moved over to this side, Mama!"). She is such a sweet girl.

While I'm not enjoying my clothes not fitting me, the pregnancy acne, and this pregnancy "cold" that I've come down with, I really do love being pregnant. Baby Saigh #2 weighs about 2.5 ounces, is the size of an apple, and his/her heartbeat was strong and healthy at my doctor's appointment this week. I also didn't gain any weight over the last couple weeks (HOLLA!). My doctor suggested that I get compression socks, after my feet and ankles swelled up during our flight from Phuket to Singapore. I got a pair of the thigh-high Dr. Scholl's compression socks at Watson's in Singapore, and while they are completely unattractive, they work really well. All of the genetics testing I did a couple weeks ago came back "normal", and while we didn't have an ultrasound scheduled this week, we have one scheduled for the week of June 22nd. If the baby cooperates, we may find out the gender... Just in time to tell our families in-person when we land in Minnesota on June 26th!


  1. Great Story!

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  2. Seems like you enjoyed your vacation. I think I'm going to be booking a pregnancy message for sometime in the next two weeks since I'm currently 33 weeks and my backs been killing me lately.

    1. Do it Emily! You'll feel like a brand new person, an you DESERVE IT! You're growing a baby for goodness sakes:)
